How it works


The AA-MARINET Collaboration Portal aims to provide an environment specifically designed to promote interactions and to develop synergies among the community of users engaged in the observation of the All-Atlantic area. 



Registering in the Collaborative Portal will enable users to access a diversified set of tools to boost interaction and collaborative interaction. The registration is done clicking the icon on the website menu, which opens a registration form. 

General Users need only to insert their and affiliation to register. 


Registering with additonal User Profiles

Depending of their specific roles, users can also register with the following additional profiles, that will given them access to new tools. 

  • Action Manager

Users that are responsible for the planning and conduction of observation actions in the All-Atlantic domain, either permanent monitoring actions (e.g. operation of monitoring infrastructures) or short-term actions (e.g. conduction of ship survey), for research purposes or other (e.g. associated with Blue Economic activities), can also select this option to access specific mechanisms of interaction. 

  • Infrastructure Manager.

Users that are responsible for the management of observation infrastructures can also select to share his option to access specific mechanisms of interaction. This include the identification of

  • Crises Manager.

Users that are responsible for the management of crisis at sea can register under the "Crisis Manager" profile.  If you are responsible for the management of crises at sea (


Registry completion: User register is only completed after verification by the Collaborative Portal managers. User will be notified that their profile is active



A total of four areas for collaboration are provided in the AA-MARINET Collaboration web portal.  

Area 1:  “ACTIONS”

The option ACTIONS on the website menu allows to identify and articulate with Observation ACTIONS in the All-Atlantic domain. Registered users can use this option to visualize ongoing or planned Observation ACTIONS, refine the visualization by choosing a specific time window and typology of the ACTIONS. By clicking in a ACTION shown in the map the user can access several details and contact point for that ACTION  


Registered users that indicated a geographical area of interest  in their profile are notified  by email once a new observation action is inscribed in the web portal for that geographical area. 


Users that are responsible for the planning and conduction of one or more Observation ACTIONS (registered with the additional profile of ACTIONS MANAGER) have access to the MyACTIONS option available under the spinning wheel of the website menu. This option allows these  users to inscribe new ACTIONS or to manage their own ACTIONS. These users are also notified by email about  new ACTIONS that are close enough (in space and time) of their own ACTIONS to allow a potential articulation.  



Information about available infrastructures for sharing is provided in this area. The option INFRASTRUCTURES of the main menu, open to all registered users, this area allows to visualize the different Infrastructures that are already or planned to be available for sharing in All-Atlantic area, filtering the visualization in time and typology of the INFRASTRUCTURES. Registered users that defined a geographical area of interest  in their profile will also be notified about the inscription of new observation actions in the web portal


Area 3: " COMMUNTIY"

This area, available to all registered users as an option in the main menu, can be used to share additional information bewteen users in the form of a 


Area 4: "CRISES"

This are is not a public area but is only available to managers of different types of crises at sea, which have registered with the additional profile of CRISIS MANAGER. This profile will enable the MyCRISIS option thorugh which the user can inscribe a new crisis that occurs in the All-Atlantic area and specify requested support from Observation Actions occuring nearby. The portal automatically indentifies the ACTIONS that develope in a nearby area in the same time period and notifies the correspondent ACTION MANAGERS for the occurence of the crisis, the requested support and the contacts for interaction in case this support can be provided.